SUDOSCAN at the 58th
National Neurology Congress 2022 – TURKEY

Impeto Medical and Turkish exclusive DP “TEKNİKEL” will present the SUDOSCAN device
at the 58th NATIONAL NEUROLOGY CONGRESS held by theTurkish Neurological Society.

This congress will be held at the Pine Beach hotel (Antalya, Turkey) from Saturday 19th
to Wednesday 23th, November 2022 and the main theme will be Neurointensive Care.
Educate yourself as you earn TTB and EAN Credits and exchange with international colleagues through courses, workshops, conferences, symposia, treatment night events and other leisure/entertainment programs!

Make sure to meet Impeto Medical at Booth 55-56!

We will present SUDOSCAN, our innovative device allowing the detection and follow-up of Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathies (Small Fiber Neuropathy).

With our teams, discover how this patented technology assesses the sweat glands function by applying a low voltage on feet and hands, reflecting thereby the autonomic small fibers state that innervate sweat glands. SUDOSCAN has been applied to numerous neurological complications, such as Diabetes, Hereditary amyloidosis, AA, Hepatitis C, Fabry, Parkinson’s disease, Autoimmune small fiber neuropathy or Fibromyalgia…

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